Spirit River Ag Drone School

Our Ag Drone School, delivered in partnership with Blackhawk Aeronautical Solutions, will be coming to the Peace Country again. We are very thankful to our gracious Host, the MD of Spirit River, for bringing us up again. The main purpose of the school is to answer two big questions:
How do I fly a drone safely & legally?
How does imagery from a drone help my farm?
Every delivery of the Landview Ag Drone School includes practical instruction on flying UAV's, so complete beginners are most welcome to attend. In addition, the course includes all of the knowledge requirements for safe and legal flight according to Transport Canada circular TP15263, and seminars on how imagery can be used for farm management.

Ultimately, the drone is there to make you money or save you money, and our team will present you with realistic information on how to use the drones on your farm.

Two full days of instruction for only $590
The curriculum for the Ground School portion was developed by Blackhawk Aeronautical out of Edmonton. The course will include hands-on instruction on how to fly a drone, as well as information on the legal requirements for commercial flight. Registration fees include a small toy training drone for you to take home after the course, and successful participants will receive a certificate documenting their attendance.
Lunches are also included both days.

This will be our only summertime delivery. If you're not from the Peace country ... please let us know where you'd like us to bring the Ag Drone School this fall & winter. We are looking for hosts all over western Canada, in addition to the schools already planned for Empress, AB and Swift Current, SK in October.
Questions? Contact Markus Weber to get full details.