September: Slantrange Super Sale

Get an early start on the 2019 crop season by taking advantage of fall price reductions on sensors this fall. We will undoubtedly have new products and packages on the market before spring. But the best product available this year is currently on deep discount. If you've been eyeing the Slantrange 3PX, now is your time to buy. Slantrange is offering a $800 USD discount when purchasing the 3PX sensor and a 6-month subscription to their Slantview software. We are not just passing on the savings, but throwing in some more discount ourselves -- after adding another set of batteries and second charger. The M200 3PX package is our ultimate crop-mapping system and for the next three days only it is marked down from $19,950 to $18,450 plus tax. That's a savings of $1,500.
Whether you have more questions or are ready to buy, please call us at (780)448-7445.
Benefits of true Multispectral systems:
Higher accuracy through four spectral bands
Deeper insights from multiple vegetative indexes
Longer operating window: ambient light level extends the imaging workday
Temporal comparisons: light calibration shows crop development over time
Benefits of SLANTRANGE workflow over competitors:
Map within Minutes Between the computer onboard the 3PX itself starts the processing of imagery while in flight, while the Slantview software completes the process within 10-30 minutes of completing the mission (depending largely on size of map). This allows for immediate ground-truthing before leaving the field.
Power & data integrated with aircraft With the 3PX sensor just announced in the summer of 2018, Slantrange now has a sensor that can attach as simply as any other camera to the Matrice 200-series DJI aircraft. The sensor no longer requires its own battery source, due to its use of the DJI SkyPort technology.
Automation of the workflow As part of the completely automated workflow, SlantView is capable of simultaneously highlighting and removing non-crop content — including shadows between rows, areas of bare soil or road, and areas of different plants — from its data products.
Custom Filters / Smart Detection Standard vegetative indexes provide information on relative levels of crop health parameters. But what if you already know there's a problem -- how do you identify the extent of it? The custom filters in Smart Detection allow the user to find content that matches a specific spectral signature, useful for both highlighting where the same issue exists in other parts of the map. Due to its incident light calibration, it can also be used to identify the same issue in other fields (assuming the same crop and relative crop staging).